Chase Damon Gaddis
January 10, 2008
6lb 14oz 20in
Chase is 2 weeks old! The last couple weeks have gone by so fast. Chase is such a good baby! He is starting to wake up for an hour or two at a time, but he loves his sleep! Maia had a rough time when we first brought the new baby home. She had two teeth bust through the day after we came home from the hospital, and she caught a virus from daycare. We had to keep the two kiddos separate for the first week so Maia wouldn't give her coodies to the newborn. Bart was able to take off work for a week and a half, which was such a HUGE help. Maia is feeling much better now, and we've been enjoying time together with the whole family. Maia is such a good big sister! She helps pat the baby's back and get him diapers, and she LOVES to give her brother smooches! Chase has his first doctor's appointment this afternoon. We'll have to see how much weight the little man has gained! We are truely fortunate to have two healthy, happy children.