Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chase's Baptism
Chase was baptized yesterday at the Church of the Annunciation. He was such a handsome little man! Uncle Matt and Aunt Laura are his Godparents.
Grandma and Grandpa Buck brought Maia a special birthday present...she LOVES it!
I thought this was such a cute picture of Maia holding her little brother...Chase loves to cuddle.
Maia also got a helmet with elbow and knee pads so she won't get any "boo-boos" when she rides her scooter and bike. She is so proud of them. Whenever we go outside, she wants to put them on, even if she's just walking around the block.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Maia had SO much fun at her Birthday Party yeasterday! All of Maia's good friends in Kansas City came over to help her celebrate her 2nd birthday. It was so nice outside that the kids were able to play outside in the tent and with the bubble blower. (Thanks to all the other mommies and daddies who helped chase wandering kiddos...we've decided a fence is a necessity this summer!) We managed to keep Maia from eating all of the icing off of her Tinkerbell cake before singing "Happy Birthday". She loved the cake! It's hard to believe that 2 years have gone by so quickly.
Carson and BellaMaia wanted to have pink fingernails and toenails for her party
We took our first trip around the neighborhood today with our new 2-seater stroller. Chase seemed comfortable...of course he wouldn't really complain even if he wasn't, and Maia thought it was the neatest thing that she got to ride next to her little brother. I'm sure we will get much use out of this stroller this summer.

We tried to fly Maia's kite today, and found out that neither of us remember how. Maia had fun just holding it, though.


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Is spring finally here?Maia LOVES her new scooter. Actually, it isn't really hers. It was left on our driveway one day. We left it there for a few days, and when noone came to claim it, it became Maia's.Bart needed a little assistance. Do you think she's happy to finally play outside?!Chase is 3 months old! We can't believe how fast time is going by!
Chase has been spending a lot of time in his activity center. He's getting much better at standing up, supporting more and more of his own weight (it's a tough job for the little chunker!)
Maia has a blast showing her little brother how all the toys keeps them busy! Maia is turning into such a good big sister...this week, when I was getting ready for work, Chase started crying in his activity center. Maia ran over to me and said, "Chase cry, chase cry". She ran back to her brother and gave him her blankie and a big hug. When he didn't stop crying, she grabbed a ball and tried to play catch. Obviously, that made matters worse. As a last resort, Maia rather forcefully shoved a pacifier into the poor boy's mouth. She tried so hard to help! It's so fun to watch them interact, and it'll only get better.

Chase can roll over!

Chase has been able to roll from his stomach to his back since he was about 7 weeks old. We're still working on going from his back to stomach. I guess this time, Maia thought her blankie would help her brother!