Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cereal and Jiggle Jam

Chase started eating cereal this week, and he really likes it! It's amazing how much his little tummy can hold.
Since Chase found out that he can stand, that's all he wants to do. So, we started putting him in the jumper. He has so much fun bouncing up and down on his own.
Such a cute picture
Last weekend, we went to Kansas City Jiggle Jam with the Weldy family. Maia danced and jumped, and ran all afternoon (without a nap). We couldn't believe how good she was, though. There were quite a few bands there that play kid's songs, and bubble tents and spray tattoos, and the Crown Center fountains. The kids had a lot of fun. Maia found her shadow

Thursday, May 15, 2008


We had a fun visit to the Doctor's office this morning. Maia went in for her 2 year check up, and Chase had his 4 month well-baby visit. According to the doctor, both kids are developing really well. Maia is achieving some 3 year old activities, and Chase is doing some 6 month old skills. They both received immunizations today. Maia has one "boo boo" on her leg, and poor Chase got 4 (2 in each leg). Maia has been giving Chase's boo boos smooches and asking him if he is ok...I think she forgot about her own. We are extremely blessed to have healthy, happy children. THE STATS: Maia height = 36.5in (>95th percentile) weight = 30.5lbs (80th percentile) Chase length = 24.75in (40th percentile) weight = 16lbs (70th percentile) head circ = 13in (30th percentile)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day at the Zoo!

We had such a wonderful Mother's Day! The kids gave me beautiful flowers. We spent the day at the Kansas City Zoo. The day started off windy and chilly, but it turned into a really pretty day. The kids were so good! Maia LOVED the animals. She spent most of the time out of her stroller, running from one exhibit to the next, or riding on Bart's shoulders. Chase was perfectly content riding in his stroller, playing with his toy elephant. On the way home, we were so hungry, so we stopped by the Ameristar Buffet...Maia ate more than most adults could handle. When we got home, we were able to join our family's Mother's Day celebration in St. Louis via our webcam. It was so nice to be able to see my Mom and Grandma on Mother's Day even though there are hundreds of miles between us. Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mommies! Chase wasn't too sure about the train...His eyes grew to the size of quarters when we went through the tunnels.
YAY! Maia and Mommy on a camel
Maia's "frowny face"
Maia switched to the 2 year-old room at school. The week before her switch, we found out that the teachers take the kids on regular potty breaks, do not use sippy cups, and a number of other fun activities that Maia needed to learn. Needless to say, she received a crash coarse in drinking out of big girl cups, and pulling up her own pants. She's doing really well with the drinking. We haven't really started potty training yet, but Maia does use her little potty chair least twice a day...she'll be ready soon. The first day Maia came home from her new classroom, we asked her how her day was and if she met any new friends. She kept saying "Abby". We asked her teachers, and sure enough, there is a little girl named Abby in her classroom that Maia plays with all day long. Our little princess is getting so big so fast!