Sunday, March 01, 2009

Maia and Chase finally got to use their Christmas presents from Santa! The kids LOVED their new sleds! Chase was so bundled up that he couldn't really move, but he was perfectly happy getting pulled around in his sled and watching Maia fly down the hills on hers. Maia also decorated our front lawn with snow's heavenly:)
Maia and Chase got their hair cut this week (I'm a horrible mom, and forgot the camera). I told the kids if they were really good while getting their hair cut, they could have a special treat. Maia decided her special treat would be to go to "Old McDonald's". I was a little nervous about taking two little kiddos to McDonald's by myself during the lunch rush, which was also nap time, but they were so good!
Chase has a few new tricks up his sleeve these days, too. He found out what a nose is! The only problem is that he sticks his finger up his own nose when you ask him where it is... I guess he's just about as accurate as you can get! He has also been adding quite a few new words to his vocabulary. His first word was "ball," followed by "more, Maia, cat, bye, dada" and just today has been saying "baby" when he holds Maia's dolls. Soon he'll be talking just as much as his big sister!