Grandma and Grandpa Buck came to visit this weekend!! Chase thinks it's so funny to make rediculous faces at the camera. Seems to be taking after a little boy I used to know (Uncle Matt)
Chase has started slowly potty training this summer. He loves wearing his new big boy underwear, but really has absolutely no interest in trying to go on the potty. I have a feeling it's going to be a much longer process than it was with Maia.
Maia and Chase have been taking swimming lessons this summer. Maia has been doing really well, and Chase is starting to feel more comfortable in the water. We visited the pool in Liberty, and the kids LOVED it! We spent close to 4hours there one day, and I had to drag the kids out of the pool to go home. They are both doing really well at jumping off the side into the pool and putting their faces in the water.
Maia and Taylor
We went to the splash ground with Addison and Carly. The two older girls had a lot of fun running through the fountains, but Chase and Carly had more fun just watching.
We visited Crown Center and saw Clifford! Again, Chase had more fun watching the other kids run through the fountains. Finally, Chase ran through the fountains at Zona Rosa where we went for Jazz on the Square. The kids had a blast dancing to the music, running through the fountains, and eating all the free treats from the booths.